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Deism Religion

The Deism Principles . We‘re not born knowing all of this knowledge , you are going to learn when becoming a Deist, and the vast majority of people ,go through their entire lives, totally unconscious. What is the philosophy of Deism? 

If lucky - live to the age of 80-90 , and die totally unconscious, just living out whatever their programming was in the beginning .

There are no coincidences, accidents, chance or luck in this universe.

This World works perfectly, everything is fully balanced. 

This universe is in a complete chaos ? And bad things happens? 

The opposite is true , the universe works under perfect laws that never make an error even once. Everything works out the best way possible for you , although you cannot accept it .

Events only look like coincidences , and accidents , to those who do not understand the truths behind them, you will learn how to decode the real meaning of the events you are experiencing.

Nature works with effortless precision, with infinite organizing power, in incalculable ways, without any kind of resistance.

The know how , you will find in the Deism , contains many layers of understanding, and each layer is discovered by watching again and again the videos .

You will start to change and therefore your level of understanding, that will help you perceive in each video , new glimpses of this forbidden knowledge.

What you do not understand today will reveal an even deeper and hidden truth, tomorrow. Repetition is the only key to implement the way of Deism thinking that the Deism Religion , will present you. Deism , does not involve any kind of religious practice from your part, just absorb the pure wisdom presented and use it for building an abundant life. Please do not try to find any logical and analytical explanations to what you are about to learn, because your brain will not reach them immediately, you brain is a train running the wrong direction , it's not easy to stop this train and reverse his direction , but if you will decide to do it , you will succeed. 

You are for the moment a prisoner of your old way of thinking and feeling.

You are still a slave of your mind, but your own exodus will start now.

Sometimes you will feel that you understand something at a deeper level, but your mind cannot picture it, yet you understand deeply that it's indeed true, because you feel it.

Your mind is a powerful tool as long as it does not take over you, and sincerely speaking it does for now. 

The conditions in your life are based solely on the concept you have about yourself. 

Scientific studies indicate that our basic operating system is programmed in by age ten.


That means that by age ten, we have within us the basis for everything we will ever believe, know or think.


Who and what we are has already been determined to a great degree. 


Have no doubt about it.


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