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The Deism Religion : The First Commandment

The Deism believe in God , that has created the universe but remains apart from it and permits his creation to administer itself through natural laws. 


God created us , the animals and the entire Universe , but whatever happens to us , its based only and exclusively on us. 


If you follow the natural laws of this Universe , as nature does , you will be able to reach unlimited happiness , health and wealth . 


The Deism First Commandment :


When you love what you have , you have everything you need . 


Tip : Start to look at all the things you have , from the smallest ones to the largest ones , from a chair , to an house ...from your pets to your family members them ... make a list of your loved belongings , and love them daily ...thank God you have them will learn that , whatever you have , you need ,  and whatever you need , you have already ....  Do it on a daily basis ...this is the very first Commandment you should follow as a Deist . 


No matter from what religion you are , in order to be a Deist , you do not give up your own beliefs , because Deism lives in perfect harmony with all the major religions . 

The Deism Religion : The Second Commandment

Deism is a form of Monotheism in which it is believed that one God exists, but that this God does not intervene in the world, or interfere with human life and the laws of the universe. It position a non-interventionist creator who permits the universe to run itself according to natural laws . 


Deism admits the existence of a God of infinite power and intelligence.


Deism derives the existence and nature of God from reason and personal experience, rather than relying on revelation in sacred scriptures (which deists see as interpretations made by other humans and not aan authoritative sources) or on the testimony of others. 


The Deism Religion Second Commandment is related to happiness :


Happiness is not getting what you want but enjoying what you already have .


This is an extremely important principle in Deism . You need to read the Deism Commandments on a daily basis . Think deeply about their real meaning and how to implement them in your life  .


Those are the natural laws governing this universe .

Your suffering in life is caused  only and exclusively , by the fact that nobody revealed you those secrets . Deism is a way of living .


Try to follow the Deism Commandments and you will almost instantly elevate the quality of your life .  

The Deism Religion :The Third Commandment

Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes 

Deism is helding that a human's relationship with God was impersonal: God created the world and set it in motion but does not actively intervene in individual human affairs but rather through divine providence.

What this means is that God will give humanity such things as reason and compassion but this applies to all and not to individual intervention.


For Deists, human beings can know God only via reason and the observation of nature, but not by revelation or supernatural manifestations (such as miracles) – phenomena which Deists regard with caution if not skepticism. Contemporary deism attempts to integrate classical deism with modern philosophy and the current state of scientific knowledge.


Deist regard their faith as a natural religion as contrasted with one that is revealed by a God or which is artificially created by humans.


“If nothing changes, nothing changes. If you keep doing what you're doing, you're going to keep getting what you're getting. You want change, make some.”


The definition of insanity: Doing the same things over and over but expecting different results. With no malice intended, apparently we've got a lot of insane people out there. But the truth is that nothing changes if nothing changes.


This is so simple yet so profound when it hits you: If you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got



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